In January 2021, San Juan County placed a Moratorium on all new short term rental permits. Multiple meetings and public comment sessions later, SJC Council voted to end the Moratorium and initiate strict caps on new permits on May 17, 2022.
Each Council Member chose a number at which to cap VRs on their island as follows:
San Juan: 337 (As of 5-17-22 there are 136 active and compliant permits, 93 that are compliant but inactive, and 71 that are noncompliant)
Orcas: 211 (207 compliant-active / 159 compliant-inactive / 90 noncompliant)
Lopez: 135 (56 compliant-active / 38 compliant-inactive / 27 noncompliant)
Outer Islands: 10 (2 / 7)
What has happened between May 2022 and early 2024? Nothing!
The county has not accepted any VR applications for any islands. We have been under a full unofficial ‘moratorium’. Local officials point to the internal problems in the DCD, and ask for patience as the issues are being resolved.
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Short term rentals are a worldwide phenomena.
As hosts we want to serve our guests while preserving peaceful neighborhoods, our livelihoods and the beauty of the islands.